Happy Mother’s Day from Specification Rubber Products



We take one day a year to honor the woman who devotes 365 days a year to us. The title “Mom” holds incredible meaning. None of us could ever recount all the time, tears, prayers, sacrifice, worries, sweat, tough decision-making, guidance and finances she has spent on us. We probably aren’t aware of half the things she has done for us. You can make that one day a year significant by choosing to honor her on Mother’s Day.   

If you are a mom, you know that a sincere thank you every now and then goes a long way. You don’t do it for recognition or glory, but out of sacrificial and unconditional love. If we need you, you find a way to show up and help. Sometimes, that looks like going against what we think should happen. Your wisdom outweighs our own and you’re willing to guide us down the best path, even if it costs you. Thank you for putting our best ahead of your popularity with us and others. You risk so much of yourself to be what we need. How do we thank you for something like that?

Maybe gratitude presents itself in how you parent your own children. Take the good you have learned from your mother and love your children that way. Accept she isn’t perfect – with grace – and learn from her mistakes. Call her and ask for advice when you’re stuck on what to do with your own kids. Call her just to talk. Let her know she is just as important today as when she was on the frontline of your life. Once you step into the background as you emerge into adulthood, don’t let it be the end of her influence. Let her influence far outlive her. She is Mom.

Our family at Specification Rubber Products wishes you a very fulfilling and blessed Mother’s Day.

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