Take time to reflect before 2019 begins

The New Year evokes hope. It presents the best opportunity to make new resolutions, revisit old ones, resolve to better yourself, and strive to go after your dreams. Embrace a new year with a restored belief in second chances, renewed energy, and a readiness to take on new challenges.

Entering the New Year with educated resolve better prepares us for resolution success. Taking a hard look at oneself isn’t easy, but it is beneficial. Spend some time thinking through what you want to accomplish in 2019. Maybe you want to improve organizational skills, communication, work ethic, planning, personal and professional relationships, dedication; whatever is on your list will take a little work.

Specification Rubber Products is challenging our families to look back in order to move forward. We believe that the past is an excellent teacher that can keep us from repeating shortcomings. Contemplating simple questions is a great way to begin a new journey.

What goals did you set for yourself last New Year?
Why and how did some of those goals fall between the cracks?
What unexpected life events and changes took place?
● What could you have done differently?
● What contributed to your successes?
Were your relationships healthy ones?
What did you learn about yourself this past year?

We challenge our Specification Rubber Products family and you to look back so you can step forward with clear vision and refreshed resolve to succeed in the New Year. Join us in taking time to reflect before stepping into 2019. Then, enter the New Year with inspiring confidence and purpose.

Happy New Year, everyone.

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