Replace Valves Faster & Save Money
There is nothing more frustrating and costly than having to shut down a project because of unexpected gaps between new valves/fittings and existing lines. Who knew a ⅜” gap could have such a huge impact. There you stand with a hole in the ground and a work crew ready to go, and everything gets put on hold while solutions are sought.
An Expensive Problem
Contractors know how much downtime costs.
- The cost of a work crew sitting idle.
- The cost of equipment sitting idle.
- The cost of a machined part (frequently more than $1,000).
And that is the BEST-CASE SCENARIO! What if the machine shop has a backlog of work? What if they don’t have the materials that you need? What if the machine shop is a long way from the job site? What if they make a mistake and you must go to the shop twice? Do they really understand the job?
This problem plagues valve replacement projects, but we know that things can happen even on a new installation job where the pipe is laid out and closure pieces are available. That is enough to keep water system contractors up at night.
Avoid the Machine Shop, Save Time and Money
We have great news! Here is a tip that will help you finish the job on the spot without ever having to make a trip to the machine shop. Spec Rubber developed the filler flange gasket as an option that you can keep on the truck to easily fill gaps up to 3”. They are available for pipes up to 120″, and in a variety of thicknesses including 1/16”, ⅛”, ¼”, and ½. You can mix and match to get the perfect fit. And at a price that is a fraction of the machined option.
Contact Us To Learn More
The team at Spec Rubber takes pride in producing NSF-61 gaskets right here in the USA that your team needs to knock every project out efficiently and permanently, and we are excited to share this additional option.
Contact us today to find out more about how the filler flange gasket creates a new solution to an age-old issue. Call 800-633-2521 or email